18 December 2010

Another Crash# Collage

So, still using the Friedrichsrasse piece as the inspiration and the starting point, I've used contemporary images, crushed, crashed and fragmented, to create the new image - re-cycling the scrap...

05 December 2010

30 November 2010

Friedrichstrasse - the series continues

Busy coupla weeks....


Still focused on the Friedrichstrasse series... This collage is
based on the same kind of image that I've been working with: crushed (or crashed) cars. The image here is created from photos I've taken of my current car - so a sense of identity, of connection.

30 June 2010

Friedrichstrasse - Crash #3

It’s the engagement with the medium that is the reason and the essence of drawing. It's the pure delight of creation and construction – and I guess that that is what it’s all about. The day to day practice and involvement with these things. It can be a struggle and sometimes it can be pure pleasure - and although it's nice to have an audience and to know that people are looking at the pieces, that isn’t really what its all about – its about the struggle and the effort - seeing if you can make something relevant out of these chosen materials and resources.

22 February 2010

Friedrichstrasse - Crash #2

The sculpture on Friedrichstrasse epitomises consumerism - cars are so readily disposed of, crushed and discarded. The detritus of modern life is here transformed into art.

14 February 2010

Friedrichstrasse - Crash #1

I've just completed this new drawing and am really pleased with how it's turned out.

It's an attempt to blur the boundaries between my figurative work and the abstract - maintaining precision and control but focusing upon non-figurative subjects.